Yepyeni kahvemizle tanışın!

Just like a raspberry cake.

Kahveyi Gör

One Storytelling

From Soil to The Cup

Conscious, Meticulous, Passionate.



Most of us are not aware that coffee is essentially a fruit. This is because, traditionally, all the processes leading up to the meeting of coffee with the cup, such as the processing method, were carried out uniformly without much emphasis. As a result, coffee had been established in the consumer's mind as an unremarkable companion to conversations, or as a ritual for waking up and starting the day, often associated with bitter, dry, and closed flavors. Fortunately, some of us have now realized the profound potential within the seeds of this magical fruit and have embarked on spreading this awareness. Thanks to this, with every sip we take, we can witness the unique differences that various factors, from the genetic makeup of each coffee bean to the soil it was grown in, the altitude it was cultivated at, the processing method, and many more variables, contribute to its aromatic and taste profile.


Roasting coffee is a craft. We're talking about a product that is nurtured with endless care, each one possessing its unique flavors and aromas. Uncovering its true potential and bringing it to its sweetest state requires a serious knowledge base, precision, and experience. We're talking about an understanding that only those who harbor this passion can grasp. At Good Coffee Roasting, we are dedicated to nurturing and sharing this passion.



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To be able to brew coffee, there are two main elements we need to have. One is ground coffee beans, and the other is water. The process that begins when these two elements meet is roughly referred to as brewing. Depending on the equipment we use in this brewing process, we categorize coffees under main headings: Espresso, Filter Coffee, Turkish Coffee, and so on. Regardless of the type of coffee, we can perfect this brewing procedure by paying attention to three main variables: Temperature, Grind Size, and Time. Of course, before all else, we need good-quality, well-roasted coffee beans that are genuinely fresh and the right quality of water.